In 1989 OARC began updating repeater data yearly with this "Statement Of Record" process. The SOR lets OARC know if the repeater is still on the air and also allows repeater Trustees to update information. If you did not return a SOR in 2023, you MUST this year. Not returning the SOR for two years will give OARC the feeling that your pair is "NOT IN USE" and could lead to termination of your coordination. If you are no longer the Trustee, please return the SOR indicating this. If you are still the Trustee, verify the information and return the SOR by March 31, 2025. PLEASE make sure your repeater location and contact information is correct. This allows us to properly check spacing between you and any new proposed repeaters..
Mail Correspondence to: Please notenew PO Box! |
Scott Gamble, W5BSG |
This new process is to protect your data. We now require two pieces of information to access your SOR data. A reminder card will be mailed to each trustee that contains their individual trustee ID. That ID will be required to access a trustee's records, and only that trustee's records. Only one card per trustee is mailed. We do not mail one card for each repeater.
In the boxes below, enter YOUR callsign (not the repeater callsign) and the Trustee ID you received on your reminder card (located next to your callsign). When you click the "Get List" button, it will retrieve a list of all repeaters that are associated with you as the trustee. Follow the instructions on that page to process a Statement of Record for each repeater. If a repeater is missing, or a repeater is listed that you are no longer the trustee, please contact OARC by email.
Mark any corrections on a printed copy of the form and mail it to the OARC Secretary as instructed at the bottom of the page by March 31, 2025.
Thank you. Keeping this information up to date is essential to protecting your coordination.
2025 Statement of Record
Enter YOUR Callsign and Trustee ID in the boxes below, then click "Get List"
Your Call Trustee ID