Welcome to the Ohio Area Repeater Council Web Page! Herein you should have found our history, and samples of the forms needed to request coordination. Our goal is to grant coordination on as many frequency pairs as possible. This within the guidelines the membership and Board of Directors establish. We also must consider what is Good Amateur Practice, benefiting the majority of the users. Further, we also have long-standing agreements with adjacent States’ Coordinators which are reciprocal. Our Area Coordinators maintain a current database of Ohio and all States which are adjacent to Ohio. This information can be requested from each Area Coordinator as it pertains to the operation of your repeater.
The Officers and Staff of OARC are a dedicated group of "hams", some of whom have been active in OARC for over 25 years. We are none-the-less always looking for new volunteers to serve on our several committees where future Officers learn how the coordination community operates.
With the constant changes of FCC Rules as well as frequent attacks on our spectrum, our leadership is of the utmost importance. Several of our OARC officers serve on Executive Committees of many other related teams. This also includes the National Frequency Coordination Council where OARC maintains Certified Membership and votes on ALL issues before that Council.
Your suggestions, comments or complaints on the General Operation of the Council must be submitted to the Secretary, in writing, where they will be reviewed and acted on, as the situation requires. Your input is needed if we are to best serve the repeater operators within Ohio.
Thanks for listening!